Main Story - Chapter 22 - 22-6 Dragon and Weather


Name: 22-6 Dragon and Weather

Description: Most dragons have the ability to control the weather, temporarily changing the climate. This lets them launch swift, unexpected attacks on their enemies.

Related to: Main Story Chapter 22

Drop RewardPermalink

First Complete Reward: Silver Key

Drop 1: 100% 1x Secret Crystal +2

Drop 2: 60% 0x Eternal Gems +1, 40% 1x Eternal Gems +1

Drop 3: 100% 1x Spell Scrolls

Fight against TeamPermalink

Hero: h_Adelaide


1st row 2nd row 3rd row 4th row
Ogre (Score: 228003, Level:84) Roc (Score: 228003, Level:84) - -
Behemoth (Score: 228003, Level:84) Pegasus (Score: 228003, Level:84) - -
Centaur (Score: 228003, Level:84) Pegasus (Score: 228003, Level:84) - -
Ogre (Score: 228003, Level:84) - - -
